shapes in the clouds – only different

well I thought this was funny…..
You know how as a kid you could spend hours staring at the clouds drifting by and describing what shapes you could see in them (gee, perhaps I should take some time someday soon and revisit this)
Anyway, I’m a bit fascinated with weather, having been an active glider pilot many years before, and when I’m sitting in a high rise in Sydney and I can see the weather coming in, I hit the Bureau of Meteorology website and check out the radar.  Funny thing is, at the instant I looked today, the rain density map was showing a cloud/rain pattern in the shape of a number 1. What a cack. Screen grab later, here’s the proof. 

BOM funny - 1 in the clouds

You can only take my word for it, as by now even the radar loop has probably moved past this shot.

Ah, the smell of rain……
  1. #1 by ianlee74 on June 20, 2012 - 12:24 pm

    Brett, I don’t see the number one so much. However, the cloud over Sutterland looks eerily like a handprint.

    • #2 by brettpound on June 20, 2012 - 3:52 pm

      It does too. Apparently I also need ink-blot reading capabilities !

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